Karl's Corner - 05/11/2001
Note: This was the last of Karl's updates on weezer.net. The new website, weezer.com, launchend the same day (see below)
WEEZER.COM Re-Launch in effect!!! Explore! start here Please note the 5/10 entry below is the LAST post on the "old" karls corner! Check out and bookmark the new one, located at "news" on the new site. This here old page will come down as soon as all the archives have been copied over to the new page...Thanks for your patience as minor bugs and stuff are worked out!
5/11/01 Workin' Out The Bugs!
...We went "live" today and it didnt take long for some mistakes to pop up. Thanks to all folks who wrote in the problems they saw. Everything in the list below should get fixed in the next few days.
• The text on this page is too small for certain browsers. (test, test...)
• The center divider thing on this page is supposed to be movable to the left and right, so you can view all of the side you want as needed.
• The message board is too slow, and kinda buggy (timeouts, etc)
• The links on the link page dont open up in new windows, and there are some glaring omissions there too (sorry weezerfans.com!)
also there are a bunch of things we have to catch up on, like getting my older posts listed in here, getting the "fannews" pages transfered over, getting the past karl mpegs up in A-V, getting the chat room functioning, etc. Thanks for your patience!
...its official: weezer is NOT appearing on Jay Leno next week. They are definately doing the SNL show and the Conan show, but not Leno, at least when we had it listed.
...im getting some various "Photograph" and "Island In The Sun" radio reports mixed in with the Hash Pipe news, so the next radio report will be "the green album radio report, part 8" (coming up next, plus ive got some photos from the ill-fated Phoenix show.